Life Drawing, but not as we know it.
had been meaning to go back to the Life drawing class at Middlesex university for years, but I kept fiinding excuses to put it off. I loved life-drawing at University. For two years, we had one mandatory life drawing
Resist Zine 2016
In 2016, My short comic The Fear was selected to be part of Resist a newspaper - format zine produced to co-incide with the women's marches in America. The Zine was organised by Francoise Mouly of the New
Netherlands Comic, Netherlands Drawings, Amdterdam to Utrecht and Home Sketchbook Tour #4
So, below are the last two day of my diary comic from out trip to Smsterdam and Utrecht in 2015. Below are afew of the Sketchbook Drawing that I did during our time there.
Netherlands Comics Diary Sketchbook post #3
Here is a diary comics I was keeping in my sketchbook for our trip to Amsterdam in 2015. This is the first part, I'll post the rest next weekend.
Sketchbook Tour #2 N.Y, the V and A, Edward Burne-Jones at The Tate
New York, Baby! Gand central Station Way back in 2015, Amber and I went on a very short trip to New York, to stay with the wonderful Kathleen and Blaise. We didn't get a chance to do much sketchbook drawing, but i
Barcelona Sketchbook
This is the Front cover to my most recent sketchbookBack cover So, Here is my most recent sketchook, this one stretches from about 2018 - late 2019. We went on holiday to Barcelona in February 2019. I thought I would share
Re-Playing The Game of Thrones: Memory, time and fiction
Add titleRe-Playing The Game of Thrones: Memory, time and fiction My history with Games of Thrones is long and tumultuous. I was turned onto it by a friend, Leo in the summer of 2009, just after we had both left school.